
Friday, May 21, 2010

Was it the smoking gun?


Floyd was a cheat. No denying that, and I think the majority felt the same. Those who didn’t may have contributed to the Floyd Fairness Fun. Money wasted, they won’t get that back. Which is one of things that makes Floyd a bigger cheat. He knew he was guilty.

So what were his motives over all of the years, and why produce what could be the smoking gun now? Maybe he is looking for a book deal (which I’m sure he will get). I think it comes down to the fact that he knew he was a scapegoat, he was penalized and will not race at the top level again. In the meantime, some of the other cheats have rock star status and are heroes to countless number of people.

Not only was Floyd a cheat, but I think we can agree most of the peloton were cheat.  Sorry to say. I do suspect the names mentioned were cheats, although I will continue to give some of them the benefit of the doubt hoping they are innocent (George, DZ)

I’ve always felt there was a smoking gun out there would implicate others. Is this it? Possibly. The only thing I feel that could keep this from being that smoking gun is what is Floyd’s lack of credibility. He should not have taken money from people who naively believed in him, and he should not have waited this long. And let’s not forget the fraudulent book.

I would like to see Landis provide details on who he was buying from.  It would be at least one positive thing to come from this if those contacts led to more contacts and another big portion of the cycling doping syndicate could be compromised.

To my mind Floyd has made very specific allegations which Armstrong hasn’t very specifically denied.

If Lance had of walked away and let it be at the end of '05, this may have not come up. But he returned, larger than life, larger than cycling. No man is bigger than the sport. If Landis had been the first to talk, it probably would have been dismissed based on his character. But others have spoken, and others will speak..

Thursday, May 20, 2010

So what bring Floyd out from the woodwork?


Floyd speaks. How much is truth, how much is lies? What is his motivation? Based on  his history, can we really believe him.

Hopefully mostly lies, but I’m afraid there may be more truth to the allegations. At least he admitted it.

How many remember the Floyd Fairness Fund?


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Pelotonia 2010


Pelotonia is a grassroots bike tour with one goal: to end cancer. It is a cycling experience that will take place August 20th-22nd. I will be riding 180 miles to Athens, and back.

I am asking for your help in reaching my fundraising goal. Large or small, every donation makes a difference. Every dollar raised by Pelotonia and its riders goes directly to fund cancer research at The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center - James Cancer Hospital and Solove Research Institute. Last year, in it's first year, Pelotonia raised over $4.5 million.

We all know someone who has been affected by cancer. By supporting Pelotonia and me, you will help improve lives through innovations in research with the ultimate goal of winning the war against cancer. I would love to have your support. This truly is a unique opportunity to be a part of something special.

When you follow the link below, you will find my personal rider profile and a simple and secure way to make any size donation you wish.

Think of this as a donation not to me, or Pelotonia, but directly to The James. Please consider supporting my effort and this great cause. Here is the link to my rider profile:

Thanks again!

Upcoming events

I’ve put the following events on my race calendar, provided the weather will cooperate and let me ride again.

Buckeye Criterium

Groveport Grand Prix


Southwest Ohio Masters Road Race

Tour de Grandview (even though they are not having a Master’s Race)

Troy Classic

All leading up to the Pelotonia.

Go away rain…

Thought I might be able to get in a ride today. Think again..that green blob has moved in and yet another wet morning.

Registration opened for the Tour de Grandview. This year, two races have been cut including the Masters races. That sucks. 

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

It’s been a good spring..

and we deserved it after that crappy Feb. we had.

Now, if we could only get some decent weather on days off!

I still feel I’m in the best shape I’ve ever been going into May.





