It’ s been a while since I’ve posted an update. Lots has happened.
I interview for a helpdesk position with Limited Brands (Victoria’s Secret, Bath and Body Words, Express) as a contractor, late in Sept. Turns out, while I was in the interview, which was only 10 minutes, my firm was being texted saying “ we want him”.
While I really didn't want to go back to helpdesk, I knew that it provided the best chance for employment. And I’m certainly appreciative of landing where I did. The work environment is great, the people I work with..the best group I have EVER worked with.
My hours have been kind of wacked, meaning changes in my lifestyle and habits. I’m working midshift, meaning I haven't spent near as much time on the bike as I should have. This has been a sacrifice to this household. Mr. Mom has gone back to work. But I think we are adjusting. And it means my days off have been rather busy.
Funny thing. In the past, my temperament has been working against me, especially in a helpdesk situation. My patience can wear thin, and I’ve been told that I can be loud and contribute to a bad work environment. Maybe true to a point, but… I had one work environment that can be described as nothing but the shits.
Over the past few, I’ve been able to hear others, and say to myself “that must be how I sounded” and it was an enlightening experience. I’ve been on the phone for something like three weeks, and I have done an unbelievable job in being patient, and it has been communicated to be how patient I am. Things have changed, and hopefully, there is a new me! I really think I have changed.
This past week, Limited Brands extended to offer, and I will shed the title of contractor, and will become an employee, effective Nov 15. Benefits once again!